Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lullabies: Your Baby's First Musical Experience

Lullabies are usually your baby's first musical experience. Think about it. Maybe you were sung to when you were very young. There is no more intimate experience for a baby than being sung to while holding him close. Add a rocking chair and gentle rocking motion and you have the ultimate experience for baby and adult. It just doesn't get any better than this for babies or adults.

Now, what to sing. A lullaby can be any soothing song. It can be sung or hummed. Any kind of music can be used as long as it is performed quietly. I'd probably save the hard rock for another time, sometime when you'd like your child to wake up. What is your favorite quiet song? "You Are My Sunshine" works for many people. It may be a top 40 song just sung quietly. It might be a song sung to you when you were small.

Can't sing, you say? Chances are that you are a better singer than you think. Very few people are truly "tone deaf". What will it teach her if you choose not to sing because you're not good at it? The point of this activity is to set a mood and quiet the child for sleep. Secondly, it is a good time to stimulate your babies brain synapses relating to music and language. More about that later.

For a fun activity ask your parents or grandparents what lullabies they sang to you. I'm sure you'll hear some stories that you've never heard before. You might even ask them what lullabies were sung to them when they were small.

John Feierabend of Hartt School of Music researched lullabies and other children's songs by visiting nursing homes and having the residents talk about music from their youth. He came away with books of songs that he has passed on to parents and teachers.

Tell me about your favorite lullaby experience. Did your parents or grandparents sing to you at bedtime? Do you sing or play songs for your child? Please let me know. I'd love to hear your stories.

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